Private Physician Website

This website has been set up to better serve CMLS QME’s. It also serves to make sure you are in compliance with regulations regarding the review and signature of reports. This site is strictly for physicians’ use and is not a public site. Your access and password is strictly for you or your staff’s professional use and should not be given to examinees, adjusters or attorneys or anyone else not directly associated with your practice. The content of the site is strictly confidential.

Please make it a practice of visiting this site daily or more often if necessary in order to have your work sent out in a timely manner.

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Today is: Monday, October 21, 2024

Private Physician Website


This website has been set up to better serve CMLS QME’s. It also serves to make sure you are in compliance with regulations regarding the review and signature of reports. This site is strictly for physicians’ use and is not a public site. Your access and password is strictly for you or your staff’s professional use and should not be given to examinees, adjusters or attorneys or anyone else not directly associated with your practice. The content of the site is strictly confidential.

Please make it a practice of visiting this site daily or more often if necessary in order to have your work sent out in a timely manner.

This site will log you out after 10 hours of inactivity.
Today is: Monday, October 21, 2024 ©2024 California Medical Legal Specialists, LLC. All Rights Reserved.